Grouping Affiliated Residential Colleges


The establishment of residential colleges was envisaged from the foundation of the University and their affiliation was expressly provided for in the original Act of Incorporation. The Government set aside sites for the purpose within the area generally reserved for the University.
(University of Melbourne, Calendar 1997)


The first of the colleges, Trinity (an Anglican foundation of 1870), was opened in 1872. The first Warden of Trinity, Alexander Leeper, quickly built up a comprehensive system of college teaching. This was adopted by other colleges on their foundation, and remains a distinguishing feature of the Melbourne collegiate system. So too, do the large enrolment of non-resident students and the provision of significant college libraries, now supplemented by computer installations. The college tutorial system (in which International House and Medley Hall also participate) is in general supplementary to teaching offered by the University's faculties, and is organized in part on an intercollegiate basis. Formal links with the University on academic matters are maintained through a Joint Committee of the Academic Board and the Heads of Colleges, and under a Statute of the University (S5.1.2), "any teacher in an affiliated institution" may be appointed to membership of a faculty. Heads of colleges sit in rotation as co-opted members of the University Council, and play a considerable part in the committee work of the University. The other three colleges for which sites had been originally reserved were established as follows: Ormond (Presbyterian foundation, 1870), opened 1881; Queen's (Methodist foundation, 1887), opened 1888; Newman (Roman Catholic foundation, 1916), opened 1918. A residential hostel for women students was opened by Trinity College in 1886, the first institution within Australia.
(University of Melbourne, Calendar 1997)

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