Browse Entries - A
- 1852 - The Victorian Legislative Council determines the principles leading to the establishment of the University
- 1853 - Appointment of the University Council (11 April 1853)
- 1853 - Sir Redmond Barry appointed the first Chancellor of the University (1853 - 1880)
- 1853 - The University Act receives Royal Assent
- 1855 - The Professorial Board was constituted
- 1867 - Establishment of the Senate
- 1880 - Women admitted to study at the University on equal terms with male students in March 1880
- 1901 - Dickson Fraud
- 1902-04 - Fink Royal Commission into University Affairs
- 1904 - Fink Royal Commission
- 1906 - Establishment of the Students' Representative Council
- 1921 - Establishment of Melbourne University Press
- 1938 - Grainger Museum established
- 1944 - Melbourne University Staff Association founded
- 1959 - Baillieu Library opened
- 1965 - The appointment of (Dr) Ray D. Marginson to the new position of Vice-Principal
- 1968 - Centre for the Study of Higher Education established
- 1971 - The Master Plan
- 1974 - The University Assembly was established
- 1978 - The Professorial Board was renamed the Academic Board
- 2008 - Establishment of the Melbourne Model
- 2015 - Announcement by W. M. Hughes at the University of Melbourne that results in the creation of the CSIR/CSIRO (22 December 1915)
- 2017 - Global Universities Engagement Summit
- 2018 Impact Assessment - Future Generations Scholarships
- 2018 Impact Assessment - Future Generations Scholarships, Advancement Workshop (3 December 2018)
- 2018 Impact Assessment - Future Generations Scholarships, Consultations
- 2018 Impact Assessment - Future Generations Scholarships, Engagement Workshop (23 October 2018)
- 2018 Impact Assessment - Future Generations Scholarships, Marketing and Communications Workshop
- 2018 Impact Assessment - Future Generations Scholarships, Workshops
- 2019 - Release of the Green Paper on developing a strategy for student life - 'Belonging to Melbourne: enhancing student life and success'
- 2019 Impact Assessment - Teaching Adolescent Health
- 2019 Impact Assessment - Teaching Adolescent Health, Adolescent and Young Adults (AYA) Oncology Workshop
- 2019 Impact Assessment - Teaching Adolescent Health, Community Based Health Workshop
- 2019 Impact Assessment - Teaching Adolescent Health, Community Services Workshop
- 2019 Impact Assessment - Teaching Adolescent Health, Education Workshop
- 2019 Impact Assessment - Teaching Adolescent Health, Hospital Based Health Workshop
- 2019 Impact Assessment - Teaching Adolescent Health, Individual Stories
- 2019 Impact Assessment - Teaching Adolescent Health, Justice Workshop
- 2019 Impact Assessment - Teaching Adolescent Health, School Based Health Workshop
- 2019 Impact Assessment - Teaching Adolescent Health, Workshops
- A'Beckett, Edward Fitzhaley (1836 - 1922)
- Abernethy, Margaret
- Academic Board (1978 - )
- Academic Program Coordinator, Adolescent Health and Wellbeing, Centre for Adolescent Health
- Academic Program Coordinator, Department of Paediatrics
- Academic Registrar (2000 - )
- Academic Services and Registrar
- Adolescent and Young Adults (AYA) Oncology
- Advancement, Chancellery
- Advisor, Indigenous Strategy and Social Compact
- Affiliated Research Institutes and Partner Organisations
- Affiliated Residential Colleges
- Agar, Wilfred Eade (1882 - 1951), Academic and Zoologist
- Agriculture and Forestry Endowments
- Agriculture and Forestry Prizes, Awards, Exhibitions and Bursaries (1974 - 1995)
- Agriculture Endowments
- Agriculture Prizes, Awards, Exhibitions and Bursaries (1906 - 1973)
- Agriculture, Forestry and Horticulture Endowments
- Agriculture, Forestry and Horticulture Prizes, Awards, Exhibitions and Bursaries (1995 - 1997)
- Aickin, James Lee (1875 - 1938), Schoolmaster
- Albert Road Clinic
- Albury Wodonga Health (2009 - )
- Alexander, Elizabeth Anne (1943 - ), Accountant
- Allan, James L.
- Allen, Emily
- Allen, Fiona
- Allen, Harry Brooks (1854 - 1926), Academic, Medical Administrator and Pathologist
- Allen, Horace William (Barney) (1875 - 1949), Classical Scholar
- Alston, Leonard (1875 - 1953), Academic and Teacher
- Amies, Arthur Barton Pilgrim (1902 - 1976), Academic and Dentist
- Anderson, Ian
- Anderson, Joshua, Student
- Andrews, John, Academic and Geographer
- Angus, James Alexander (1949 - ), Academic and Pharmacologist
- Applied Science Endowments
- Applied Science Prizes, Awards, Exhibitions and Bursaries (1960 - 1969)
- ARC Centre for Excellence for the History of Emotions
- Architecture and Building Endowments
- Architecture and Building Prizes, Awards, Exhibitions and Bursaries (1969 - 1974)
- Architecture and Planning Endowments
- Architecture and Planning Prizes, Awards, Exhibitions and Bursaries (1982 - 1994)
- Architecture Endowments
- Architecture Prizes, Awards, Exhibitions and Bursaries (1932 - 1968)
- Architecture, Building and Planning Endowments (1995 - )
- Architecture, Building and Planning Prizes, Awards, Exhibitions and Bursaries (1995 - )
- Architecture, Building and Town Planning and Regional Planning Endowments
- Architecture, Building and Town Planning and Regional Planning Prizes, Awards, Exhibitions and Bursaries (1975 - 1981)
- Arthur, John Andrew (1875 - 1914), Lawyer and Politician
- Arts Endowments
- Arts Prizes, Awards, Exhibitions and Bursaries (1855 - )
- Ashokkumar, Muthupandian
- Asia Institute
- Asialink (1990 - )
- Assistant Deputy Vice-Chancellor (International) (China)
- Assistant Deputy Vice-Chancellor (International) (India)
- Assistant Deputy Vice-Chancellor (International) (Indonesia)
- Assistant Vice-Chancellor
- Assistant Vice-Chancellor (Cultural Affairs)
- Assistant Vice-Chancellor (Governance)
- Assistant Vice-Chancellor (Health)
- Associate Dean (Advancement), Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences
- Associate Director, Brand Vision and Delivery
- Associate Director, Cultural and Public Engagement
- Associate Director, Information Services and Library Spaces
- Associate Director, Learning Environments
- Associate Director, Library Liaison and Learning
- Associate Director, Public Affairs
- Associate Provost (2017 - )
- Atkin, Liselle
- Atlantic Fellows for Social Equity (2016 - )
- Atlantic Fellows for Social Equity Board
- Austin Clinical School
- Austin Health
- Australia India Institute (2008 - )
- Australia India Institute Private Limited (India) (2015 - )
- Australian Centre
- Australian Centre Endowments
- Australian Centre for Heart Health
- Australian Institute of Family Studies (AIFS) (1980 - )
- Australian Music Examinations Board (Vic) Ltd (1887 - )
- Australian National Academy of Music Ltd (1994 - )
- Australian Research Council
- Avery, David (1871 - 1956), Chemical consultant