Browse Academic Units - S
- School of Agriculture Food Sciences ( - c. 2018)
- School of Behavioural Science (1991 - 2009)
- School of Biomedical Sciences (2015 - )
- School of BioSciences
- School of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering
- School of Chemistry
- School of Computing and Information Systems (2012 - )
- School of Culture and Communication
- School of Earth Sciences (1990 - )
- School of Ecosystem and Forest Sciences
- School of Electrical, Mechanical and Infrastructure Engineering
- School of Geography
- School of Historical and Philosophical Studies (2011 - )
- School of Languages and Linguistics (1993 - )
- School of Mathematics and Statistics
- School of Medicine (1862 - 1876)
- School of Melbourne Custom Programs
- School of Physics
- School of Social and Political Sciences
- Shepparton Rural Clinical School
- The Sir Peter MacCallum Department of Oncology
- St Vincent's Clinical School