Academic Unit School of Geography


The Geography Department at the University of Melbourne offered its first three-year degree course in 1960. The fledgling department offered a pass degree in Arts, Science and Commerce, and an honours degree in Arts. Before 1960, single subjects in economic geography and physical geography were offered to students as a part of undergraduate studies, but 1960 saw the first cohort of Geography students, doing what we now call majors, at the University.


Through the 1980s and 90s, in the Faculty of Arts, it changed its Departmental name and its colleagues varied accordingly - it was the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies in the late 1980s; then in the 1990s "SAGES"- the School of Anthropology, Geography and Environmental Studies; and in the mid 2000s, very briefly, the School of Social and Environmental Enquiry. In 2008, Geography and Environmental Studies staff, a core unit bearing the disciplinary identification from the late 1980s, moved out of the Faculty of Arts and into what became the University's first environmental Faculty-the Melbourne School of Land and Environment

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