Event Joining the Dots Working Group meeting, #3 (3 October 2018)

3 October 2018
3 October 2018
Progress Meeting

At this meeting of the working group members were introduced to both elements of the Pilot methodology:
1) The foundations of a knowledge platform.
2) Narratives from the 2018 impact assessment of the future generations scholarship.

This was achieved using the immersive technology available through the Digital Studio.

It is noted that the narratives:
• These highlight the impact of giving
• This could have multiple applications.

At this meeting the Working Group Identified the following priorities:
• To be able to use this technology to locate good stories, available to use quickly.
• To mark by theme so able to use for specific purposes.
• Develop a mechanism to find them through this system.

Discussion follows about the significance of the workshops for all sponsor bodies to identify the themes and purposes which stories reflect.

The workshops are the next step creating a narrative framework which reflects the strategy and purposes of chancellery engagement, and advancement. The working group identify the value of Marketing and Communications also holding a workshop.


Joining the Dots Working Group Agenda
3 October 2018