Regulations and Statutes UTR6.056 F.W. Homewood Memorial Scholarship (1936 - )

Memorial and Scholarship

In 1936 the sum of £1,000 3s. 6d. was presented to the University to provide a memorial to Francis William Homewood who was a chief study teacher of the pianoforte at the University's Conservatorium of Music for seventeen years. The sum, which was subscribed to an appeal, was presented for the purpose of endowing a scholarship for pianoforte students of the Conservatorium. The sum was augmented by an amount of £700 in October 1951 when the proceeds of the Farewell Appreciation Recital given by Rosemary Bassant, the Homewood scholar for 1949, 1950 and 1951, were donated to the University to increase the endowment of the scholarship.

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